Marathi, historically derived from Maharashtra (the language) of the great (maha) land/ nation (rashtra), belongs to the Indo-Aryan stock of languages. Marathi is one of the 18th official languages in India and the official language of the state of Maharashtra. At present, there are approximately sixty two million speakers of Marathi, including the speakers outside the native state of Maharashtra.
Marathi is an indigenous origin and occupies a geographically unique position since it is spoken in the area which connects two major languages families: Indo-Aryan of the north, and Dravidian of the south.
Like Hindi, Marathi uses the Devanagari alphabets, locally known as balbodh.
For every business expansion and growth, it is mandatory to promote the products keeping in mind the target audiences. For effective business communication, there should be a good flow of language keeping in mind local people and lifestyle. The language has significantly emerged as a great business source owing to the popularisation of the Marathi translation services in the global market. Marathi language translation is up on a high these days, and due to these many firms and corporate are hiring the exponent in Marathi translations or interpreters as a mean to communicate directly with the localities.
Within the business domain, Marathi Translation services are on demand everywhere to cope with the ongoing market demand, as many Marathi people are financially very stable. More so, Maharashtra is great places for tourism, so many firms into tourism industry hire the services of Marathi translation/ interpreters to avoid language barrier.
Many industries into Movies, daily soaps, films, television, news & publishing also need the Marathi language translation services if they are targeting the local Marathi people for wider coverage. Now a days almost all languages has been modified with English in new decade! Marathi got 'Minglish = Marathi + English', 'Hindi got Hinglish = Hindi + English'. We should accept the change where possible...
मुंबई- माझे पसंतीचे सिडकोचे घर; गृहनिर्माण योजनेची संगणकीय सोडत 19 फेब्रुवारी 2025 पार पडणार २६,००० कुटुंबांचे हक्काच्या घराचे स्वप्न साकार होण्याच्या अविस्मरणीय क्षणाचे साक्षीदार होण्याची संधी छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज जयंती दिनाचे औचित्य साधून सिडको महामंडळाच्या “माझे पसंतीचे सिडकोचे घर” गृहनिर्माण योजनेची संगणकीय सोडत बुधवार, दि. 19 फेब्रुवारी 2025 रोजी दुपारी २.०० ते ४.०० च्या दरम्यान पार पडणार आहे. प्रत्यक्ष कार्यक्रमस्थळासोबतच सोडतीचे थेट प्रक्षेपण वेबकास्टींगच्या माध्यमातून करण्यात येणार आहे. यामुळे अर्जदार आपल्या सोयीच्या ठिकाणाहून या सोडतीचे साक्षीदार होऊ शकतात. सोडत प्रक्रियेचे थेट प्रक्षेपण या संकेतस्थळावर करण्यात येणार आहे. अर्जदार सदर संकेतस्थळावर, त्यांच्या सिडको होम खात्यात लॉग इन करून सोडतीचा निकाल घरबसल्या देखील पाहू शकतात. याशिवाय सोडतीचे थेट प्रक्षेपण खारघर पूर्व (तळोजा): भूखंड क्र.१४, सेक्टर-३७, तळोजा पंचानंद, पनवेल, रायगड, ४१०२०८, खांदेश्वर: भूखंड क्र. १, सेक्टर-२८, खांदेश्वर रेल्वे स्टेशन, कामोठे, पनवेल, रायगड, ४१०२०९, खारघर: भूखंड क्र. ६३ ...