Few days ago (Friday: 18-03-2011 on Sanskaar Channel), there was a telecast of Lt. honble Rajeev Dixit, saying that the Indian Black Money deposted in World Bank comprises 380 Lakh Crore. If this amount is brought to India, It is such a huge amount that we can distribute 10 Kg. gold to each family of India with this and this way we can again become "Sone ki Chidiya" or "Sone ka Sher". He further added that this can be possible by 3 ways- 1. If Indian Govt. signs UN's "Treaty Against Curruption (TAC) for which UN itself has appealed to India many a times earlier. 2. Indian Govt enacts a law to this effect. 3. Supreme Court directs Indian Govt to do so (recently supreme court has issued guideline to form a panel in this regard) It should be noted that even after distributing 10 kg gold, we would be in position to pay off our whole debts and will be in a position to lend to the world bank and other countries of strategic importance. This way we can press...